Friday, December 14, 2007

Holiday Party!

I've kept myself accountable for 3 days straight now...and yes, I'm damn proud of myself!

  • Water Consumed: 1 1.5L bottle and another 3 cups of water during meals.
  • Meditation: About 10 mins (I'm still having some trouble sitting still for this long)
  • One Happy Thing From Today: Today was the our company holiday party at Tamarine restaurant in Palo Alto, and it was fun to have an opportunity to spend time with co-workers outside of work and to meet their significant others. 
Company sponsored events are always nice--all food and drink is paid for! It's also another excuse to leave work a little bit early and to let loose after months of hard work. The holiday party was a well deserved break from hectic schedules with meeting after meeting while trying to squeeze in the actual work that comes from the meetings. 

I've identified a couple reasons why I like my job:
  • The people I get to work with are good, genuine individuals who enjoy their jobs.
  • I get paid to learn a skill that I am interested in.
There are times I get fed up with commuting and going through the daily grind, but I suppose if it were really that horrible I would have quit by now. Sure, sometimes the work is tough and frustrating, but having great co-workers really makes all the difference in job satisfaction. I might not be getting paid a ton, but the amount of  money I give up is a small price to pay to have co-workers I enjoy being around. 

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Who Knew Doing Nothing Could Be So Difficult?

Today's Update
  • Water Consumed: 2L (I had to go to the bathroom pretty often... luckily I work in an office)
  • Minutes Dedicated to Meditation: 5mins
  • One Happy Thing From Today: I actually had time to go have a nice sit down lunch with my co-workers.
  • I also spent 20 mins on Tuesday night writing and recording any thoughts that came to mind during the day and used this as my dedicated quiet time for the day. (I decided to start a journal a couple months ago just so I could look back and get some idea of exactly where I'm spending all my time.)

Let me say was damn hard to sit myself down and to try to just silence...doing nothing. No email, no TV, no sports talk radio... nada. I thought I was going to pass out from the lack of sensory stimulation. Yet, I managed to settle down and after a minute or two, take some deep breaths and then I actually found myself enjoying the peace and quiet. Even after just 5 minutes of this, I noticed my mood and stress level decrease. It felt gooooooood after being bombarded by information all day long at work and sitting through the 60 mile daily commute.

These three activities haven't had any huge life-changing effect on my life as far as I can tell, but I suppose that isn't the point. I'm starting to notice that there is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from actually setting a goal and accomplishing it in addition to the benefits of these activities themselves. Sweet!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I've slacked and I take complete responsibility. What I need to do is keep myself accountable. I will report in each day giving an update of these three habits I'm trying to work on.

Now exactly why has it taken this long (nearly a month?) and what excuses have I used to avoid working towards these habits?

  • I have so many other things to do, and I can't fit it into my schedule. B.S. I spend at least 30mins watching TV after I get home (Deal... or NO Deal?!). 
  •  I'm afraid to fail. Now, I found this one hard to type. Maybe because it's true! This seems perposterous now that I think about it. This might sound like something my parents would say, but I would have only failed if I never tried to begin with. So, avoiding these habits would be more of a failure than actually giving this a good effort and then not accomplishing my goal. It now seems so obvious!

The Habits:

  1. Drink 2 liters of water: For the most part, I sit at work with my 1L bottle of water and usually fill it up at least once...the weekends will be a bit tougher. I will track my water consumption more closely from now on.
  2. Meditate: I haven't really been doing that regularly... so I will try this before I head to bed and will report in tomorrow.
  3. One thing that made me happy today: Finally getting around to writing an entry and breaking the pattern of procrastinating. Yes!
Time to make this happen.